Can Metformin Slow the Aging Process?

June 5, 2024

2 minutes

Elderly couple after taking Metformin

Metformin is the first-line medication prescribed for Type 2 Diabetes, which is caused by insensitivity to insulin. Interestingly, there are indications that metformin could also be linked with longevity.

Patients taking metformin tend to be at lower risk for certain age-related diseases, such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and certain types of cancer. Diabetic patients, who generally have a shorter lifespan than non-diabetics, often show a relatively higher life expectancy when they are on metformin, given their condition.

Research has also shown that metformin is linked to increased lifespan in some types of rats, mice, and nematodes (roundworms). By lowering blood sugar levels, metformin mimics a condition linked with increased lifespan: restricted-calorie diets. Additionally, metformin is involved in the breakdown of certain amino acids (the building blocks of protein) and the balance of energy production in mitochondria (the powerhouses of cells).

Researchers at Ghent University in Belgium demonstrated that this mechanism is involved in metformin’s influence on longevity in nematodes. Similarly, researchers at the National Institutes of Health in the United States found that metformin lowered cell damage and inflammation related to aging in male mice.

While these findings are promising, it’s important to note that the question of whether we should all take metformin to extend our lifespans remains unanswered. Human research has yet to provide conclusive results, and as a result, metformin is not currently recommended for anti-aging purposes. More research is needed to validate these findings, but the potential of this medication for the future is undeniable.

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Did you know? QuickMD can help you manage your diabetes and potentially explore the benefits of metformin from the comfort of your home. Our licensed physicians can prescribe metformin online without the need for insurance.

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