Getting Mental Health Advice on TikTok: Is It Safe?

June 5, 2024

2 minutes

Person celebrating outside after mental health advice with counseling services online

A recent analysis of mental health advice on the internet looked at 500 videos with hashtags #mentalhealthtips or #mentalhealthadvice. Mental health professionals found that 83.7% were misleading and 14.2% of mental health advice given was actually dangerous.

Let’s break it down further and learn how TikTok mental health advice compares to mental health advice with qualified telemedicine counseling services.

Is mental health advice on TikTok accurate?

Information on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was found to be the most inaccurate, with 100% of videos containing misleading information. Bipolar disorder was a close second at 94.1%, followed by depression at 90.3%. Among videos on anxiety, 89.6% were misleading, and videos for general mental health issues weren’t much better, with 81.7% found to be misleading. Misleading information was seen in 69.2% of videos claiming to help with trauma.

Are TikTok influencers qualified to give mental health advice?

The analysis revealed a shocking truth: 91% of the influencers providing mental health advice on TikTok were not qualified. The journey to becoming a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist involves years of rigorous training and studying, a fact that these unqualified “therapists” overlooked. What’s more, 99% of them did not disclose their lack of proper qualifications, further misleading their viewers.

Is TikTok advice dangerous?

While some information found online can be helpful, it’s essential to recognize the risks associated with taking mental health advice from unqualified sources. Misleading or dangerous advice can exacerbate mental health issues rather than help. Each individual’s situation is unique, and a 60-second video cannot replace the personalized care provided by a mental health professional.

Where can I find trusted mental healthcare online?

If you’re seeking mental health advice or treatment, it’s essential to consult with a qualified professional. Licensed psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists have the training and expertise necessary to provide effective care tailored to your needs.

For reliable and professional mental health care, trust in QuickMD’s telemedicine urgent care services. From the comfort of your home, you can consult with a licensed mental health professional and receive personalized treatment and advice, ensuring your mental health is in safe hands.

Visit QuickMD today to schedule your telemedicine appointment and get expert guidance on managing your mental health safely and effectively.


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