How Do I Get a Doctor’s Letter to Travel Abroad?

June 5, 2024

3 minutes

airplane wing

Traveling abroad during the COVID-19 pandemic often requires additional documentation, including a doctor’s letter or a “Fit to Fly” certificate. Here’s how you can obtain the necessary documents to meet travel requirements.

Understanding Travel Requirements

Different countries have specific entry requirements, often including proof of a negative COVID-19 test or a certificate of recovery. Always check the official websites of your destination country and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the latest travel guidelines and restrictions.

Getting Tested Before Travel

The CDC recommends getting tested with a COVID-19 viral test no more than three days before travel (recently updated to 1 day before travel). A viral test detects active infection, whereas an antibody test detects past infection, which is not accepted for travel.

Steps to Get Tested:

  1. Schedule a Test: Arrange a COVID-19 viral test (PCR or antigen) at a certified testing center or through your healthcare provider.
  2. Wait for Results: Ensure you receive your test results before your travel date. If results are delayed, postpone your travel plans.
  3. Negative Test: If the test results are negative, keep them as proof. Continue following safety protocols like wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and washing hands regularly.
  4. Positive Test: If positive, cancel travel plans and self-isolate. Follow public health guidelines on isolation duration, typically between 5 to 10 days.

Traveling with a Positive Covid-19 Test

Suppose you’ve recovered from a COVID-19 infection within the past three months and still test positive. In that case, you can travel with a positive test accompanied by a Document of Recovery from a physician. This document certifies that you have completed the necessary isolation period and are no longer contagious.

Steps to Obtain a Document of Recovery:

  1. Wait for Isolation Period: Ensure you have completed the isolation period, typically five days for asymptomatic individuals or ten days for symptomatic cases.
  2. Schedule a Consultation: Book a virtual consultation with a licensed physician to evaluate your recovery status.
  3. Obtain Documentation: During the consultation, the physician will review your medical history and provide a Document of Recovery if you meet the criteria.

Getting a Doctor’s Letter with QuickMD

QuickMD offers convenient telemedicine consultations to help you obtain a doctor’s letter or Document of Recovery.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Visit QuickMD Website: Go to the QuickMD website and create an account.
  2. Book an Appointment: Schedule a virtual consultation with a physician within 72 hours of your travel date.
  3. Consult with a Doctor: During your telemedicine appointment, the physician will review your case and provide the necessary documentation if you are cleared to travel.


Traveling during the Covid-19 pandemic requires careful planning and adherence to health guidelines. Ensure you are well-prepared with the necessary documentation, including a negative COVID-19 test result or a Document of Recovery. QuickMD provides an accessible way to obtain a doctor’s letter, allowing you to travel safely and with peace of mind.


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