Treating Restless Legs Syndrome Without Drugs

June 5, 2024

2 minutes

Paper with diagnosis of restless legs syndrome

Restless legs syndrome (RLS), also known as Willis-Ekbom disease, can make it challenging to get a good night’s rest, which is vital for good health. Sleep deprivation, seen in 88% of RLS cases, can be associated with depression, anxiety, heart disease, and obesity.

What is RLS?

RLS is a neurological (nervous system) disorder causing an overwhelming desire to move one’s legs. It usually strikes when the patient is sitting still or trying to sleep. Patients often describe leg sensations such as “crawly,” “twitchy,” “need to stretch,” or “legs want to move on their own.” Although it is most frequent in older adults, RLS can affect any age, including children. It is more common in women than in men.

Ways to Treat Restless Legs Syndrome Without Drugs

Although drugs exist for severe, intractable cases, since all medications have side effects, non-drug treatment should always be tried first.

Lifestyle Changes for Treating RLS

Sometimes discontinuing alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine, especially before bed, performing regular exercise, and relaxation techniques can be helpful. Good sleep hygiene is another good idea. Getting to bed on a regular schedule, in a comfortable room devoted only to sleep and partner relations, fosters a good sleep routine.

Restiffic Relief Compression Foot Wrap

Another helpful aid is the Restiffic relief compression foot wrap. This was initially designed to provide pressure to acupressure points to lower stress and anxiety, improve blood circulation to the feet, relieve foot pain, and help with sleep. In many patients, it was also found effective for RLS and has since been approved by the FDA.

The device consists of a foot wrap resembling a blood pressure cuff that provides gentle, relaxing pressure to the foot’s muscles. This foot wrap is available with a prescription. After a brief consultation, the physicians and other prescription providers at QuickMD can write a prescription for Restiffic online.

Treat Restless Legs Syndrome with QuickMD

QuickMD can also prescribe medications for restless legs syndrome, like gabapentin, through video or phone (in most states).


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